Prohibitions in Serbian

You can type your answers via the Cyrillic keyboard Learn Serbian by Singing - Song 13

Learn Serbian by Singing - Song 13

Which words are missing ?

Popunite prazna polja, i onda pritisnite "CHECK" da bi proverili odgovore. Koristite dugmence "?" da bi dobili slovo koje ce vam pomoci da resite zadatak - ali pazite, onda vam se smanjuje broj konacnih poena :) Ovaj zadatak mozete raditi svaki dan dok ne dobijete 100% :)
The Cyrillic version (make sure you use the Cyrillic script keypboard in order for your answers to be correct) or the Latin script version - Latin script keypboard :

Ah, kad tebe ljubit (ne smeti = not to be allowed)
drugu neću ja, (ljubiti = to love, kiss)
krasom i divotom (although)
k'o Danica zvezda . (sijati = to shine=

Ti jedina moja , (biti = to be)
ti mi tuge noć, (vedriti = to lighten)
mutnog oka pogled , (bistriti = to make clearer)
bolnoj duši moć. (davati = to give)

Pa i ti me , (izneveriti = to let smo. down )
me tvoja tre. (nevera = cheating )
Hladnokrvno ti sad (gledati = to watch)
gde nadežda moja . (mreti = arch. of to die)

S golubom se golub , (pariti = to mate)
slavuj druga svog, (imati = to have)
a ja mlađan ljubavi (without)
za života svog. (venuti = to droop/wither)

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